Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Feel Like I'm Wandering

I made it through my first week of school! I'm happy to say it was probably the best first week I've had since I started college. I was relaxed, had fun, and managed to not let the syllabi overwhelm me. 

I am sad that I let a week go by without posting on here but I was mad crazy busy and had absolutely no inspiration at all (though now as I sit here I can think of a lot of things I could have written about).  Eh, I'll figure it out. 

I can't believe that I am already in my third year here at Salisbury. There are times when I still feel like it is all so new and I'm still as lost and confused as a Freshman. (Oh, Freshman....) 
As I was sitting on my balcony, pondering life with one of my roommates, I realized that as each year passes I get more and more confused about what I want to do with my life. 

So far the sequence has been:

1. Physical Therapist
2. Strength and Conditioning Coach
3. Physical Therapist Assistant
4. That's it! I'm not working at any job!
5. Dog mom
6. House wife
7. Occupational Therapist??
8. Help!!!!!

There's so much pressure in college to figure out exactly what you want to do with the rest of your life. I mean, you're spending a butt ton of money to prepare for it! But for me, my priorities tend to change every couple of weeks. I fully believe that God will help me get to exactly where I need to be in life, I just wish He'd put up a huge neon sign to help me get on the right track! 

I guess I'll just have to wait and see where life takes me. In the mean time, I'm going to keep rotating through that list. Maybe something will stick. 

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I know exactly how you feel. I'm jealous of the people who grow up knowing exactly what they want to do - how come they got a neon sign and we didn't?!? ;p
