Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine's Day! Well I guess only for about two more hours...

I have always kept Valentine's Day casual. I believe that if you put too much pressure on something you are really just setting yourself up for disappointment. So we tend to celebrate minimally. Though, I will NEVER complain about an excuse to go on a date with my husband!

There seems to be an idea going around that hating Valentine's Day is the "cool" thing to do. It's a consumer holiday...a day for couples to shove their relationships in other peoples' faces...a day to focus on how single you are... But I say, why waste time being such Negative Nacys? Like seriously, get over it. Either celebrate or don't. Why not take a day to celebrate! I know I know you should show you love someone everyday. But we don't. And you know it. As sad as it is, everyone needs a reminder to stop and focus on their loved ones. And today is the day to do just that!

Anywho....we decided to go out for brunch this year! Johnathan had to work all weekend so brunch was what we could fit in. We love going to new restaurants and I have never actually gone to brunch. Does that make me less of a woman? I hear that brunch is something women often do.

We have been having a blast exploring the Eastern Shore and today found ourselves in Royal Oak, MD. The restaurant, t at the General Store. I ordered strawberry Nutella french toast and Johnathan ordered smoked salmon. We both gave our meals a 9+ out of 10. It was seriously good stuff. Needless to say, we plan on going back. Probably many times. 

This abandoned church was across the street from the restaurant. I thought it was haunting and beautiful!

After brunch, we had about an hour before John had to go to work, so we drove around and looked at the mansions in the area. These houses are comically large! Of course we pick out the one's we love and will one day live in (I would never. I can't even begin to think about furnishing and cleaning these houses).

It was a really fun, relaxing morning! Dating your spouse is such a game-changer. I love it!

I finished out a great day watching chick flicks with my friend =) We watched Crazy Stupid Love, Julie and Julia, and The Holiday. I would highly highly highly recommend every single one of these movies! Sooooo good! 

P.S. Husband, Happy Valentine's Day =) Thank you for telling me what crimes occurred in every neighborhood we drove through. I'm gonna sleep so soundly tonight...