Tuesday, March 31, 2015

First Spring Date

It finally feels like Spring! Everyone in this apartment has gone a little crazy from excitement. Josey wants to go outside so bad she runs into walls. It's absolute chaos!

As you know from my last post, last week was a little more than I wanted to handle. The good thing is that we all made it out alive! And to celebrate that, Johnathan took me out on a date Sunday.

We decided to drive down to the Easton area because we both love it there. Our first stop was at Johnathan's friend's house. We are able to do target practice there and Rola, his friend, let me shoot his shotgun! I didn't do as well target-wise this time. But it made me want to practice more! 

I have to work on the grunting as well...my dad told me to man up. Johnathan just laughs at me.

After we were done shooting, we headed to Oxford. We took Josey to the new dog park there and worked on the command, "come". She hates that one so much! It's like pulling teeth trying to get her to come to us willingly. If you have any good suggestions let us know! I'm pretty sure it's just not something she'll do. Which is sad because I would love to let her off the leash sometimes. 

The dog park wasn't all business though! We did a fair amount of fetching and running around =)

She makes us laugh every day. I love her! 

After the dog park, we picked up pizza and spent the evening with some of our friends. Michael and Betty are our closest friends in Easton. We spent the night talking about living on some land together, with chickens and cows. I can't wait for the summer when we will be able to see them a lot more often!

It was such a fun and relaxing day! I love when Johnathan reminds me how much he knows and loves me.

P.S. Husband, so far I have asked for my own gun and a cow for my birthday. I think we are good for each other.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Ever feel like you are living in limbo-land? I sure do. That's where I am spending most of my time lately.

Johnathan and I are trying to figure out what our next step is once I am no longer tied to the Salisbury area. The choices are really endless but of course there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. You know; family, friends, jobs. Family is a huge factor for us. We want to be close enough for regular visits. I also need to find an internship in order to wrap up my graduation requirements. 
Basically you could say our apartment is overflowing with unanswered questions.
This is why I've missed almost a week and a half of posting on here. We spent my spring break in Atlanta, Georgia going on interviews and house hunting.

While there, God answered a lot of our questions and also gave us a ton more to find answers to. Where do we really want to live? Still not answered. But for those of you reading, Johnathan and I will not be moving to Georgia, as of right now. And really we don't know what our next step is. Welcome to the limbo-land I was talking about! I will try to keep you all updated on where life takes us. 

But for right now, one day at a time! Here are some days that should be celebrated:

A couple weeks ago, Johnathan took me to Rehoboth for a date. We went to my favorite restaurant called, Irish Eyes. Let's just say it is now Johnathan's favorite restaurant as well. I was giddy as the food was brought to our table! So delicious!

If you have been reading for a while, you know that I just finished up our wedding series. One aspect that I have been thinking about is that Johnathan's sister, Jess, did my hair and makeup for the wedding day. Every time I look through our photos I am so grateful for her gift to me. She did an amazing job and everything turned out better than I could have ever asked for. Thank you, Jess! 

I adore this picture of us! It cracks me up!

While in Georgia, we got to spend time with some of my family. It was a busy, crazy week but I'm so glad we got to see my cousins! We went out for ice cream, went shopping, saw Alistair's baseball game and saw Austin lead worship at youth group. It was great to be there to celebrate our loved ones.

We are blessed to have family that will house us and feed us without hesitating for a second.

Finally, I haven't mentioned Josey on the blog much. To be honest, I think we are still trying to figure each other out. But she is my favorite to have around! When we got back from Georgia, we took Josey to the dog park to see how she'd like it. She came home muddy, panting and smiling from ear to ear. I'd say it was a success!

She's the smaller one, beating up on the bigger dog. That's my girl!

So even though we aren't sure what is next, we have a lot to celebrate!

P.S. Johnathan, I try to remember to thank you for things you do but I don't always succeed. Thank you for walking Josey when it's dark, for taking the trash and recycling out, for washing the dishes (all the time), for driving me to school when you can and for loving me through my flaws.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Woo Wedding Part 3: The Honeymoon

This is the last post in our wedding segment!

For our honeymoon, Johnathan and I went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Everyone told us that an all inclusive was the best way to go and they were absolutely right! We stayed at a Sandals Resort and our room was beach side. We felt like royalty the entire week!

We were so excited to be away from the freezing cold weather of Maryland!

Within seconds of getting to Jamaica, we were amazed at how beautiful this island is. The people, the vegetation, the culture, everything! On the bus ride to our resort, Johnathan and I talked about how different living here must be. We were determined to learn more about the culture while we were there...in between relaxing on the beach of course!

Our view from our room was magical. We looked over gardens and could see mountains off in the distance. It was unreal waking up to that view everyday.

We spent most of our days sitting on the beach and eating. The water was crystal clear and just the right temperature. I really don't think I've ever been this relaxed in my life.

The food here was delicious! We would eat ourselves sick all the time! It's all we talked about when we arrived back in the states. The food was too good! GAH, so good! 

I am a true beach bum at heart. I was completely content to just sit on the beach the entire day, people watching and reading my book. But we did make sure to do some activities while we were there. (We had to work off some of the food we were consuming)

I have always wanted to try paddle boarding! I know 100% that I am not coordinated enough to surf but standing up I'm pretty good at. Above you can see me standing on the board backwards...hey at least I'm standing! We also went canoeing along the shore. Our canoe had a glass bottom so I spent the entire ride staring at the bottom of the ocean. I had to make sure nothing was going to get us!!

This trip was amazing to say the least. Johnathan and I had a blast spending our first week of marriage on a tropical island, relaxing and having fun. It was a blessing that will forever be dear to me. I'd be lying if I said I don't daydream about the trip and wish we were there right now. Hell, I still have Ocho Rios saved in my weather app so I can lust over the warm temperatures. 

It was a perfect beginning to our life together! 

P.S. Love, this trip was incredibly fun! Let's plan a million more trips and add a billion more memories to these. Where to next?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Woo Wedding Part 2: The Reception

Now for Part 2! 

After the ceremony, we all traveled back toward the Bay Bridge, to a country club called, Prospect Bay.

The thing that caught my eye about Prospect Bay was 1. the really pretty scenery and 2. the room lined with huge windows to look at the really pretty scenery.

See what I mean!? Gorgeous!

The theme for the reception was very rustic. Lots of wood and candles and chalk.

Once the bridal party was announced, Johnathan and I went straight into our first dance. The song was "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. We were beyond nervous! Neither of us are really into dancing and so my mom's best friend (also maid of honor, so cool!) helped us choreograph something simple for us to practice. Even if we looked ridiculous, it was a fun time!

Next came the toasts! My parents started it off and were on a mission to make everyone in the room cry. 
They did such an amazing job hosting our wedding. Johnathan and I will forever be thankful for everything they did.

I LOVE this picture of them! 

They are so cute!!!!

Emma, my Maid of Honor, was pretty nervous about her toast. She was really determined to have the best one of the night and you could really tell she worked hard on it. I giggle just thinking about it!

Jordan, Johnathan's Best Man, did an awesome job with his toast. It was great to see how many people truly love Johnathan's friendship.

Dinner was served. If you were cool, you had ordered the chili! Which ended up being the most scandalous part of our wedding! What chili?? People don't eat chili at weddings!! It's our wedding and we will do what we want!

Johnathan and I decided to combine the Father-Daughter and Mother-Son Dance. For two very important reasons. 1. Two whole songs are just too long and you completely lose the attention of your guests and 2. On the wedding day there is so much focus on the Bride and I really wanted to make sure that Johnathan was just as important. So we danced together to show that both of these relationships are meaningful.

The next dance we planned was a Bridal Party dance. I anxiously awaited this one because it seemed like so much fun and my parents had the same thing at their wedding. Basically how it works is, the Bridesmaids danced with the Groomsmen that had walked them down the aisle. This dance was special to us because it was our way of honoring those closest to us. We had been working so hard to plan this wedding and we were finally there. Let's celebrate!

The floor was then opened to all of the guests! It was a blast! We played the Shoe game, had a married couples dance and of course the bouquet and garter toss.

Time for the cake!

Our cake was a three layered chocolate cake with butter-cream icing. My friend from high school made it for us and she did an amazing job!

After some more dancing the party started to wind down. I changed for our last dance. We danced to "Never Stop" by Safetysuit. 

Our reception was special. It was really a great celebration with everyone we loved! We left exhausted and filled with joy. Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us!

There were so many special moments that I didn't even mention here. I will hold this day close to me forever!

Guys! This is day two of seeing photos that Anna took! Are you hooked yet!? Just this past week, Anna sent Johnathan and I a flash drive with both our engagement and wedding photos on them! She is amazing! Go check her out! I know you want to!

P.S. Dearest Husband, we are loved! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Woo Wedding Post 1: The Ceremony

It's been almost two months since our wedding day. It's unbelievable but we also feel like we have been married forever. I have loved every minute of these past two months! We just recently received our wedding pictures and we are in love! I have been dying to get them back but I was also dreading writing my wedding posts. The day was too perfect and too special that I didn't think I would ever be able to get it into words. It is all very overwhelming! So in order to save my sanity, I've decided to split my posts into three sections; The Ceremony, The Reception and then The Honeymoon.

The Ceremony

It was perfect. It was us. It was exactly what we wanted.

During planning, I had decided that I wanted the ceremony to have Irish traditions. I thought it would make it a little more personal and fun. We had bagpipes, bells, a handfasting ceremony and blessing stones. Don't worry, I didn't totally ignore Johnathan's Chinese heritage. That was celebrated the night before at the Rehearsal Dinner. 

The bagpipes marched my dad and I down the aisle. I think it was surprising and wonderful!

The church was absolutely beautiful! We held the ceremony at First Baptist Church in Easton, MD. It is where Johnathan has been attending church since he started working on the Eastern Shore and we love the community there.

Almost all of our decorations where crafted by my friends and family. But I really have to give a shout out to my Mother-in-Law. She went above and beyond to make the day beautiful.

One of my favorite parts of the Ceremony was our Ring bearer and Flower Girl. The Ring bearer was my little cousin, Alastair. He took his role extremely seriously and everyone in attendance wanted to take him home with them.

He pulled our Flower Girl down the aisle in a wagon. I can't get over the cuteness!!

Our Flower Girl is my little cousin, Sophia. She was nine months at the time and full of adorableness.

Now time to meet our army!
First the Groomsmen. 

From left to right; Jordan (Brother-in-law), Jarrett (Groom's brother), Joel (Groom's brother), Joe (Friend from church), Rob (Friend from high school), Jared (Friend from church), and Rola (Friend from work). 
Thank you guys for standing behind my man on his big day!

Here come the ladies!

From right to left: Emma (Best friend since ever), Meagan (my sissy), Brooklyn (Friend from college), Jess (Groom's sister), Carly (Friend from high school), Kendra (Friend from college) and Becky (Friend from college).
You girls loved me more than I deserved! Thank you for being the best friends a Bride could ask for!

Our handfasting ceremony was a way for us to represent our reliance on each other. Johnathan's sister, Jillian, read an Irish blessing while the Best Man, Jordan, tied our hands together with a ribbon.

The pastor that married us was Johnathan's Uncle Brent. We will always treasure the fact that he was able to be such a huge part of our joining. He did an amazing job. Thank you!

Finally, the moment Johnathan and I had been waiting for so long, he pronounced us Man and Wife!

We look a little happy, don't we!? 

I loved our ceremony. I loved how it really showed who we are as a couple. It was amazing and beautiful and I will remember it forever!

Now that you have seen the pictures our photographer, Anna, took, you can see why we are obsessed with her! We will never be able to thank her enough for all that she did for us. She got there early, worked her butt off the whole day and spent every second making sure we were happy. Please please please look her up! You won't ever regret having her around!

Come back later to see what happened at the Reception! So much fun was had!

P.S. Johnathan, vowing my life and heart to you was and always will be the best decision I've made.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Little Things

Today marks our 6 year dating anniversary. When we got married, I began to think about the traditions we were going to start setting for our family. I didn't know if we were going to continue celebrating our dating anniversary or if we were just going to start new. When we realized that this anniversary was coming up I became a little discouraged. I wanted to celebrate it and celebrate us but our life right now really doesn't leave me with the energy to make a big deal out of much. But then I realized that's not really who Johnathan and I are. We are simple and laid back and find so much joy in the little things. So to celebrate our anniversary we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings tomorrow for a date night! Because I want wings and a soda! Plus, the giddy face John made when I suggested it filled my heart with joy. 

This is Johnathan and I in 2009. The year we started dating. Johnathan, every day since March 3, 2009 I have loved you a little bit more. Thank you for being my rock through it all.

In other news, our wedding photos came in! My wedding series will begin shortly. It was so exciting to look through them and remember the day. I can't wait to share these memories with you all! I also can not stress enough that our photographer was the best we could have ever asked for! But I'll get to that once you see the pictures she took...AMAZING!

P.S. Husband, I hate your shift work. But it does make what little time we have together that much more valuable and special. Can't wait until we can fall asleep together again. It's my favorite part of the day.