Hey guys it's Jessie here! For a couple weeks now, I've been begging my mom to guess post on my blog and she has finally given in to my demands. My mom and I are best friends and I am so blessed by her every day. As you will see, she is a pretty awesome writer and she's basically showing me up...but I don't care because I LOVE it! So enough of me, I'd like to introduce my Mama Bear!
Jessica has always asked lots of questions. I have always had a love/hate thing going
with that trait of hers. But she is like
a pit bull and will not let go until you give her an answer – and it can’t be a
fluff answer, it has to be a real answer, or she won’t let go.
Right now my most favorite thing is doing anything mindless,
playing mahjong on the computer, reading young adult books (so I don’t have to
sift through too much junk), or half watching whatever is on the tv - anything
to give my thoughts a rest from the stress of a new job, planning a wedding,
college shopping and whatever else in currently on my plate.
Jessica is taking a child development class, so I get the
following texts, “Was I hard to potty train?”, “Did I have a lot of friends as
a little kid or more by myself?”, “I wasn’t a big temper tantrum kid, right?” and
my favorite, “So what did I do that was weird?”
This is where the hate part comes in - I would prefer to mindlessly play
candy crush, but instead I have to think.
Here is where the love part comes in…
When I want to retreat in, Jessica constantly pulls me back
out. I would rather plan her wedding
without thinking about our relationship.
Don’t get me wrong, I want it to be the most spectacular day for her and
Johnathan, but it would be easier to think of it as just another event than for
me to really stop and think about my baby being a grown woman. Her texts made me remember when she belonged
to just me and her dad. I can’t speak
for her dad, though I am sure he shares my feelings.
She was not hard to potty train – two days is all it took -
her prize – 3 m&ms. Thus her love
for chocolate began. Jessica could occupy herself for a long time. She loved sitting at her little table and
writing, coloring, reading or doing puzzles.
Yet, when she was with other children, she would play with anyone – a
bit on the bossy side. I would not say
she had a lot of friends, but Jessica was a very loyal friend. She gave everything of herself and she still
has that same way of approaching friendships.
Jessica did not have temper tantrums.
She was a very compliant child – so when she did get really mad it
usually made us laugh. (Sorry J – but
you know we did laugh). What did she do weird? She would talk until she lost
her voice – not once, not twice, but all the time, throughout the years… She still plops herself down, usually on top
of me, and says, “Come on mom, tell me something.” and wants to talk. I couldn’t wait until I picked her up from
school every day because she would literally talk the entire ride home. I often reminded her to take a breath.
I have so many moments that I love to bring to mind. But I would be lying if I didn’t admit to it
bothering me that when I see her sitting in the rocking chair in our family
room, her feet touch the floor, and I want desperately for her feet to dangle
again. I handled it fairly well, when
she was 14 and I had to start sharing her with Johnathan. But in 2 months, that all changes, I will no
longer share her with Johnathan. Johnathan
is going to have to start sharing her with me.
Aww =) So precious is the relationship that you have. I miss hanging out with you both!
ReplyDeleteI love you both so much!!!