So if you have ever been to college or are currently attending you have heard about syllabus week.

"Sylli" week is the first week of classes where the professors introduce you to the class and prepare you for the next fifteen weeks of your life. Now, most students LOVE syllabus week. They are back on campus, back with their friends and they virtually have nothing to do but sleep through class and party all night. Sounds like a dream, right?
I wish! This college student, the one with the mad crazy anxiety, sees syllabus week as hell. I am in a new class, starting a new semester and everywhere I go professors are throwing future assignments at me. I mean reading all of your syllabi in the span of two days has you thinking of 30+ quizzes, 12 exams, 3 presentations, 5 final exams and all the other random assignments and papers thrown in there. Is syllabi even a word?? How do these people sleep at night!

Then you have the professors that jump right into full blown lectures while I'm staring wide-eyed and horror struck at the board.
For me, syllabus readings are over and I can breath easy again and sprint head first into the semester. But as I sit here writing this, I realize that this could very well be my last syllabus week. This is my last semester of classes and who knows if I'll go on to graduate school. This realization makes me both joyous and sad.
I'm sad because I honestly love school. I love learning, I love the structure, and I am good at it. My parents have always said that right now school is my job. And I love my job. But I graduate soon which means I have to get another job (hopefully one that pays me thousands and thousands instead of the other way around). I want to love that job as much as I love school.
And I'm joyous because syllabi suck and I never want to see one again.
Good luck to all you students out there! Have a wonderful Spring semester!
(Photos from
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