Thursday, January 28, 2016

Super Size Me

One year in high school, I made a New Year's resolution to cut out all fast food. I had watched Super Size Me and freaked out. I also really wanted to see how my body changed without it. Though, I never ate a lot of fast food anyway. I, maybe, ate fast food twice a month but I still thought it was a good goal!

I did it! I didn't eat fast food for the entire year. It annoyed the poo out of my parents! To clarify, it only annoyed them when we were on a road trip and we needed to stop for food along the way. Jessie don't eat that crap! (sike, Jessie eat that crap now but not that year!)

To be honest, it wasn't hard unless we were on the road. In those situations, we would go to Subway (not the healthiest place ever but shhh) or somewhere that I could get a salad. 

The results were crazier than I had expected! I had significantly more energy, my skin was less oily and my weight didn't fluctuate as much as before. It also strengthened my self-discipline. I felt awesome making a goal and seeing it through to the end. After the end of that year, I did eat fast food again. But I was making healthier choices. That resolution was something that changed my behavior for the better.

Since then I haven't made another New Year's resolution. I haven't thought of one that I felt as passionately about. If I didn't have a specific, attainable goal then I was just going to set myself up for failure.

But I have been on a healthy kick that I hope sticks around for a while! 

Have you made a New Year's resolution? Did you stick to it?

P.S. Husband, this morning I was getting the stew ready while you were sleeping. Chopping carrots happens to be the loudest activity ever!! Sawwryyy

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Josey Bear

This morning I found myself throwing a fit about having to go to the dentist. I threw myself onto the floor, curled up into a tight ball and grumbled to John about "hating my life". Five seconds later I hear a *thump* and Josey is laying next to me sticking her icy nose in my ear. I rolled toward her and buried myself in her fur.

This act alone is HUGE! We have had Josey for a little over a year now and only in the past couple months has she really started to show affection. For the longest time she had only one reaction to any emotion...that was chewing on me.  Happy? She bit my elbow. Mad? She'd chew on my fingers. She hated us petting her and you should have seen the spazz when I would try to hug her!

But in the past two months, she has become the biggest cuddle bear ever! And I am beyond giddy! Each day I will sit myself down on the floor and you can see the excitement fill her up. She will sprint to get a toy to bring me, come running up, her entire body wiggling and plop down in between my legs. Then she will start to roll! She will roll over my one leg and then the next. Flailing her legs in the air and chewing on my pants (the chewing hasn't exactly stopped).

Randomly, throughout the day she will come and rest her head on me asking me to pat her head. My heart sings that she is warming to my affection and that she truly enjoys my love. Though she still requires a lot of personal space...she gives John the "please control your woman" look when I lay next to her on her bed.

I am blessed by her most when she can tell that I am stressed and not feeling great. Just having her lay next to me while I'm throwing a tantrum on the floor creates a peace inside of me. She's my pretty girl and I love her to death!

P.S. Husband, Thank you for driving me to the dentist...every time. Because I'm obviously a non-functional princess toddler. I love you =)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Goals are Hard

If anyone reading knows me even a little bit, they know that I am practically made of goals. I love setting goals for myself and for my husband and for my parents and for my dog....My entire life, I have had specific short-term and long-term goals. But somewhere in the past couple months I have lost all of that. I'm in this super weird period in life where I have absolutely NO individual goals. None. Nada. 

With it being the new year and just having graduated, it is a very uncomfortable feeling to not know what is next or even know what I want to come next. I'm like seriously fickle all of the sudden. I decide I want something then two seconds later I have given up on that goal. I'm grasping for anything resembling a goal! I've started making showering a goal...

Johnathan and I are going through a devotional together and we are on a chapter that is asking us to come up with marriage goals. I fidget and grumble and try to skip questions. I DONT WANNA!! How am I supposed to make marriage goals when I don't even know what I want to do tomorrow!? 

God is really trying to teach me something here. Probably about control and how He has a plan for me. But this lesson is going to need to wrap up soon because the crazy in me is getting pretty high. My right eye is starting to twitch and I'm drooling a lot more than I used to. 

So if you need me, I'll be the girl wandering blindly in a circle. 

P.S. Johnathan! I forgot to P.S. you in the last post! How dare I!? It's because you made me answer all those devotional questions about where you and I want to be in thirty years...Can I say the Caribbean? Can I make that my goal? Good! I think we are getting somewhere now!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Crazy Business

Why are there not enough hours in the day!? 

And I am:

 newly married (have a husband to help me)

 graduated (no more homework)

kidless (I hear they take up a lot of your time)

working part-time (that's less hours than full-time)

How do people with a million more responsibilities than me do this!?!?!

I'm too tired! I'm gonna take a nap...(oh wait...)